
Inspiration for the new Collection...

Maybe it's NYC in the summer time, maybe it's all the traveling I've been doing lately or maybe I'm just losing my mind! Regardless, here's what is going on in my head right now and naturally this is what is appearing in my new designs. I have two weeks in Miami coming up jam-packed with new jewelry making techniques that I've never tried before and tons of other arts and crafts projects with Zero at my side. Needless to say, I'm excited! Stay tuned to see what gets created - if all goes according to plan, I should have some exciting new things to show you soon, and if not, well at least I'll have some interesting stories to share! xoxo


Photo Shoot

Yesterday we had a photo shoot in NYC (in the middle of a heat wave!) for some new photos to add to the upcoming re-designed website! All the photography was done by our good friend Woody Quinn, check him out at WoodyQuinnPhotography.com.

Despite the ridiculously hot temperatures, a good time was had by all and so far the pictures have turned out great!

Stay tuned...

P.S. - Why yes, those ARE some new charm designs in that picture! Coming soon!


Blogs Love Heist!

Heist's Scrabble Piece charm has been featured on both ILikeTotallyLoveIt.com and WeCovet.com! You can get your very OWN Scrabble Piece Charm on Etsy at Heistjewelry.etsy.com!

Heist goes to the Blogs!

Welcome to the Heist Blog!
While our site is under construction, we decided it would be the perfect time to launch a blog to keep everyone updated on all the Heist happenings.

We are hard at work designing the new site and we guarantee it will be nothing short of spectacular! Until it is up and running, keep checking back here for news updates and new items for sale. Trust me on this, there is TONS in store! 

The old site is still up and you can place orders there on pay pal (Remember: You don't need a pay pal account to purchase through them!) For all new items, please visit Heistjewelry.etsy.com. If you don't already have an account with Etsy - it only takes a second, it's free and it's ADDICTING!
